Plastic Adhesive Gray

Plastic Adhesive Gray

Indicated for correcting imperfections in vehicles body work, metallic surfaces, galvanized parts, machines and equipment. It is also recommended for gluing or correcting imperfections on marble, granite and in the gluing of vat tanks.


 Sand with 80 or 150 grit sanding sheet. Then, clean the part with Maxi Rubber Degreasing Solution.


• Homogenize the Adhesive before its application.

• Remove the desired quantity and put it onto a clean and plane surface.

• Add 1 gram (20 drops) of the catalyst for every 100 grams of adhesive.

• Mix it well until you obtain a homogeneous mass.

• OBS.: The time spent from the mixture of the adhesive with the catalyst to its application should not exceed 3 to 5 minutes.

• Apply the catalyzed adhesive using an applicator (celluloid) in thin layers until the defect is corrected.


• Drying for sanding – 25ºC: 25 minutes.


• After the drying, perform the sanding with dry sanding sheet (80 - 150 grit sanding sheets and final with 220 - 320 grit sanding sheets).

• The product should be applied directly over a bare sheet.

• In the adhesive (catalysis) preparation, use the correct quantity of catalyst, thus avoiding blistering problems.

• Do not replace the mixture already prepared into the can.

• Wait for the recommended drying time, in order to prevent lapping.

• Avoid forced drying at high temperatures, because it may cause cracking, blistering and loss of adhesion.

• Wet sanding of the adhesive is not recommended, because the humidity retained in the adhesiveduring the sanding with water may cause problems on the surface and finishing.

• Isolate the repair location with Maxi Rubber Primer PU before applying the finishing.

  • Packing of 800g with 9g catalyst
  • Package of 1kg with 12g catalytic
  • 500g package with 7g catalyst
Shelf life

1 year. Stored at a temperature of 15 to 35ºC and away from humidity.

  • 0,59 m²/kg

Plastic Adhesive: Mineral loads, pigments, additives and modified polyester resin. Catalyst: MEK peroxide

São Paulo +55 (11) 4092-7777
Others States 0800 777 0 777