Plastic Sealer

Plastic Sealer

Indicated to promote adherence in plastic surfaces


The part should be washed with water and neutral soap until the removal of all impurities, oils, and possible silicone. Dry out and apply the Degreasing Solution on the whole surface. Sand the part with a 400 grit sanding sheet, if the substrate is textured, and with a 600 grit sanding sheet, if it is smooth. Degrease the whole surface again.


• Homogenize the product before its application.

• Apply 2 normal overlays.

• Interval between overlays of 3 to 5 minutes.

• Application pressure: 25 to 30 lbs/pol² with a 1.3 to 1.4-mm nozzle.

• Wait 10 to 20 minutes to apply the Primer over the sealer on plastic surfaces.

• Preparation of the surface should be performed as indicated, so that problems in final painting do not occur.

• An interval longer than 2 hours between the application of the sealer and the primers/finishings is not recommended. Intervals longer than this make the product lose its feature as an adherence promoter, which may cause adherence problems for products applied later.

• A previous application on a piece of the part is indicated for unusual substrates.

  • Packing 500ml
  • Packing 900ml
Shelf life

2 year. Stored at a temperature of 15 to 35ºC and away from humidity.

  • 50 to 60 m2 /gallon

Chlorinated polyolefin resin, pigments, additives and several solvents.

São Paulo +55 (11) 4092-7777
Others States 0800 777 0 777